Monday, March 14, 2011

Guide How To Setup And Use Internet On Blackberry Without BIS

If you got a blackberry phone without activated BIS or don't want to use BIS but want to access internet on blackberry then follow is instruction for guide how to use gprs on blackberry without activated BIS

First all you need is to setting up APN for this go to advance settings and setup apn
write following command in apn

for ufone              : ufone.pinternet

for zong               :   zonginternet

for warid              :   wap.warid

for telenor             :   internet

for mobilink indigo :

for mobilink jazz     :

after setup apn restart your phone then you will be able to access internet on your blackberry via third party applications like opera ucweb

some applications who need BIS service book may not work for example push mail and blackberry data browser google talk etc but you can still use blackberry data browser via wifi

1 comment:

  1. thanks i m trying...but still its not required usr name and password...
    for WARID...
